
GBH committed to training and employability in food-related trades

for the training and integration of young people
Pupils of the Catering Trades course

GBH committed to training and employability in food-related trades, in partnership with the Medef, Pôle Emploi, AKTO Martinique and Ladom

In 2018, GBH put in place a training programme for employees working for one of its subsidiaries and external candidates to obtain a CQP (vocational qualification certificate) in butchery.

Over 20 young people were trained up and nine more will complete their training in June 2022.

For the graduation ceremony held on 7 March 2022 to reward their efforts and determination, we had the opportunity to celebrate the last two programme cohorts.

This training is open to everyone and takes part over nine months in several stages: the apprentices do an initial work placement at the hypermarkets then complete a food hygiene course before spending two months in mainland France studying at a training centre specialising in food and catering professions, fully funded by the company.

Back in Martinique, they continue their remote learning for the theory part while working in our stores for six months for the practical part.


Florence Boutant and Jessica Pamela

Florence Boutant, HR Development Manager, and Jessica Pamela, Carrefour HR Manager, with CQP Butchery apprentices, 2020 and 2021 cohorts.


Undertaking for the training and integration of young people

Our commitments

GBH contributes to the sustainable economic and social development of the territories in which it is established by promoting the social, cultural, heritage and ecological environment.